Thursday, December 11, 2008

What are the benifits of education in the United States?

There are many benefits of education in the Unites States, I can only name a few. One of them is that it is FREE. Another is that you are required to go until you are a least sixteen. Also, you learn a lot, which will help us succeed in life. Not many people realize this, but we are very lucky to have the the education like we do here.

An advantage in America is that public school is free. Well, it is for the most part because some of the tax's our parents pay go to public school. However, most school can help pay the expenses of school supplies and field trips. This helps a lot of Americans because you will need to know a lot of the basic skills to get a job.

It is the law to stay in school until you are at least sixteen. This is very important because you are almost "forced" to be smart. Also, as long as you are in school for the amount of years you will hopefully learned a lot of important information by then. Another reason to stay in school is because you probably don't want to be referred to as "the high school dropout."

To succeed in life many people would want to at least have a high school diploma show in your office, work, school,etc. A majority of the time good paying jobs require that you are highly educated by showing you high school/collage diploma. If you don't have one of there you probably won't get the job. If you say-work as a cashier at food lion, you probably would want to know how to count change. Education comes up a lot in our lives, and most of the time you will want to have a diploma.

Many people take for granted of what we have while few others realize how fortunate we are to go to school. Most schools in the United States are free; while in places like Nicaragua you must pay to get a quarter of what we learn. When you think about it, all of the "dropouts" just quit and give up. If you don't have an education then you can't get a decent job. My parents always tell me to never give up, and that's why I chose to write this essay.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

When I was Younger essay

Right now in Picture my World, we are finishing our portfolios. This is our last piece of writing/work for our portfolios this quarter, and we are all writing about our past. For an example, I am writing about what I used to do when I lived in Pennsylvania, because that's where I lived until I was ten. Most of these paragraphs are about what I would did, knew, and thought when I was younger.

The first thing that I am writing about is how I used to shovel snow. Obviously it doesn't snow here, so that's how this "tradition" stopped. It used to be really fun, because my parents would shovel snow on the driveway and put the snow on the sides. We would play in that for hours, or until we got really cold. What is really sad about this "tradition" is that we moved and we can't do this anymore. Sometimes I really wished that it would snow here so I could continue this "tradition."

Just like any other kid, I used to believe in Santa because I started to heard things about him and I just started to wonder who he was, and what he looked like. Also, I believed in him because every year we would go to the mall and take photos with him. I really started to believe in him when I was seven, and I heard something loud in the middle of the night, i didn't get up because I had thought it was actually Santa. When I grew older I found out that was actually my dad falling down the stairs with our presents.We also made chocolate chip cookies and milk and they disappeared in the morning, it turned out that my dad ate them every year.

My mom was a teacher, so at our old school where she teached she had to go before and after the summer to do her planning. We never had anywhere else to go so we would stay at our Nana's. We called this "Nana's school." When we finished our work, we would get prizes. Some of our work would be to name the fifty states, name all of the presidents, and write calligraphy. After the two weeks we would go on a field trip, once we went to a theme park and another time we went on a walk to the park. I had a lot of fun then because she made everything fun and time pass quickly..

My favorite part of my "early" childhood was having my Nana around a lot because like I said before, she makes everything fun and she was always there for me. I also had a lot of fun in the snow because of the snowball fights and sledding. Another fun thing that I did when I was younger was to believe in Santa, which I began to question when I was eight or nine. I had a lot of fun when I was "little" because elementary school was easy almost careless, but still fun.