Monday, January 12, 2009

Freedom and Responsibility

East Millbrooks essential question for the 08-09 school year is,"What is the relationship between freedom and responsibility?" We have tied this into our final project. This project is called my vision, my mission, my legacy. This project is mainly about our future.

Freedom is what everyone seems to want; to be free from rules, school, and sometimes even parents. Sometimes people don't take this seriously. Most people don't realize this, but when your in middle school (and up) your on your own, and you make your own choices and mistakes. When you are "free" sometimes you forget to be responsible.

Responsibility is to remember your things, homework, clean your room and much more. When your at school you are (or supposed to be) responsible. Responsibility is also getting good grades and to take credit for your actions. I think that responsibility mostly is to respect your elders and remember things.

I think the relationship between freedom and responsibility is very large. I mean large like complex. I think this way because I believe that freedom and responsibility are similar and different. I think that they are different because they are two completely unrelated terms. They are similar because with freedom you need responsibility to survive.

This project has taught me a lot. It has taught me things like getting more in depth with freedom and responsibility. When I wrote this essay I learned a lot and I hope that you do too.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Vision, My Mission, My Legacy

In class right now, we are learning about our future. For some people, they want to have a high paying job just for the money, instead of what they really want to be. I don't think that this is right. Others think that they won't go to college, then later in life find a way to get money by selling things, inventing something, etc. This isn't right either, what I think is right is that you go to college now, then live the life that's yours, not one that's not.

If I keep my grades up, and behave the way that i do now throughout the rest of middle school, and high school, I could probably succeed and go on to college. If I were to start behaving poorly , and letting my grades drop, I would probably not go to college. If I make it all of the way to college as a good student I could probably work at the job that I've always wanted. There are many things in my future, good things, bad things, unexpected turns, but I always have a back-up plan is I get fired because I would have gone to college.

If you know me well enough, then you would probably know my future job. My future job is to be an architect. If I ever need a backup job or if I change my mind, I would want to become a home designer. I was never into designing, but I started watching HGTV since my friend recommended it. These are just the minor missions/goals that I have, but I still have a few major and minor goals as well.

One of my minor goals would be what people remember me by. I would want people to remember me by the way I treat people, respond to elders, and my grades. I said my grades because it is something that I take very seriously and a C is very bad to me. I think that its sad when people think C's and D's are good. I think to succeed in life you must do what your told, get good grades, and treat people the way that you would want to be treated.

Both me and my parents take my grades seriously. If I were to come home with anything under a B, I would probably get in a lot of trouble. Also, a major thing in my life is the goal to go to college. When I grow up and get older, I would definitely rather to be happy than filthy rich.